Again delayed in getting my July beers to note up on the blog. July was a busy month with the good weather meaning I was able to tuck into a nice variety of beers. I note that most of the ones that managed to be in my list are more high percentage hitters, which might be due to having better flavour in the hotter weather. I've also got one from the different dispensing categories (can, bottle, cask and keg). Below are the beers that stood out most for me during this month:
Antwerpen Stout (Guinness) - 8% | Bottle 330ml
My first beer of the month and what a beer. I'd been hunting down this bottle for a while and finally happened across it in Tesco's. This beer also goes by the name of Guinness Special Export Stout. The beer poured a much darker colour than Guinness and packed a much bigger punch in the ABV but was great.

Mizmaze (Downton Brewery) - 4% | Cask Pint
This beer is labelled as an English bitter but it's actually very light and sweet and goes down a treat.

Brixton Porter (BrewDog) - 5% | Keg Half Pint
Happened upon by chance on one of my pub tours in Brixton. It has a roasted aroma with massive roasted malt taste. Entered my list of good porters.

Clwb Tropicana (Tiny Rebel) - 5.5% | Can 330ml
Fresh, fruity and yes as you'd expect tropical
Beer Camp Golden IPA 2017 (Sierra Nevada) - 6.5% | Keg Pint
I had quite a lot of Sierra Nevada beers in July due to a few pubs running a Sierra beer festival. They had perhaps a keg of each and it would all change regularly. I managed to have this Golden IPA at two different pubs the first time as a half and the second as a pint, and it was beautiful. There wasn't a hop hit but the fresh fruity taste is immense.
JW Lees DIPA - S.E. Drink Fresh (Cloudwater) - 9% | Keg Half Pint
This was quite pricey at £6.50 for the half but as an occasional treat this was worth it. The alcohol doesn't overpower the citrus notes coming through, and sadly the half did go quite quickly.

My first beer of the month and what a beer. I'd been hunting down this bottle for a while and finally happened across it in Tesco's. This beer also goes by the name of Guinness Special Export Stout. The beer poured a much darker colour than Guinness and packed a much bigger punch in the ABV but was great.
Mizmaze (Downton Brewery) - 4% | Cask Pint
This beer is labelled as an English bitter but it's actually very light and sweet and goes down a treat.

Brixton Porter (BrewDog) - 5% | Keg Half Pint
Happened upon by chance on one of my pub tours in Brixton. It has a roasted aroma with massive roasted malt taste. Entered my list of good porters.

Clwb Tropicana (Tiny Rebel) - 5.5% | Can 330ml
Fresh, fruity and yes as you'd expect tropical

I had quite a lot of Sierra Nevada beers in July due to a few pubs running a Sierra beer festival. They had perhaps a keg of each and it would all change regularly. I managed to have this Golden IPA at two different pubs the first time as a half and the second as a pint, and it was beautiful. There wasn't a hop hit but the fresh fruity taste is immense.
JW Lees DIPA - S.E. Drink Fresh (Cloudwater) - 9% | Keg Half Pint

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